Welcome to the World

Getting Started

To be, or not to be, a writer.

The only thing I enjoy more than writing a novel is helping others on theirs as a developmental editor and coach. I partner with a copyeditor who understands e-book formatting, and a cover designer. Together, we span the scope of e-book publishing.

I’ll briefly take you through the process from blank paper to published book and tell you something about the services we can provide.

Writing In Its Simplest Form Is Simply, Writing

Let’s start with your book idea. Do your homework on how to go about organizing and creating the type of book you plan to write. There are ample free resources on the web, and I suggest you spend time learning about the process before plowing ahead. A word of caution though, beware of analysis-paralysis. No amount of organizational advice can replace the hard work required to hammer the words out onto  the page. Writing is a contact sport. When you think you have a clue, get going. I will be posting blogs on this site with more details on character development, plot structure, etc.

Writing Style. For as many writers there are, there are equally as many styles of writing, but regardless of style, writing is a process. It takes practice, it takes patience, and it takes grit. I’ve  made thirty major edits to my first novel, and from speaking with other writers, you should expect something of the same. By the time you start your fifth novel, you should have your writer’s voice and process down, but getting there is hard work. The only way to get there is to write. 

Writer’s Block. You’ve heard the term. It means you’re sitting at the desk staring at a blank screen or a blank pad of paper and have no idea what comes next in your story. Perhaps you haven’t written the first word and you’re obsessed with getting the opening line perfect. “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Just write something, anything, and keep moving. You can edit later. 

Big ideas and inspiration come in many forms and at odd times. I recommend keeping a small notepad in your pocket to capture those brief moments when the lights are clearly on. 

Coaching. Sometimes you need help refining an idea for a book before you start. I attended a writing workshop once to bounce ideas off other writers and came away with a new series. A coach can do that, as well as motivate you to keep going. They can also check your work and suggest things that you may have not thought about including or should exclude. We’ll charge $25 an hour for our time and require the purchase of 4 hour blocks in advance. 

What About the Editing?

Congratulations. You have your rough draft finished. The next step is developmental editing. Developmental editors are at their core writers. They look for key elements, such as a compelling story and attractive characters. No copyeditor can wordsmith a bad story and an unlikeable lead character into a good book, and yes, this can be expensive depending on where you go.

Fear not. We can offer a quick review of your rough draft to point out the deficiencies and offer suggestions. We price our service at $0.02 per word, which is one of the lowest rates you’ll find in the industry. With a novel starting at two-hundred pages, plan on spending $800 to $1,200. I specialize in mystery and science fiction. Always use a developmental editor who writes in your genre. 

Now that you’ve spent your vacation money on developmental editing fees, what’s next? Every book needs a thorough line-by-line edit we call copyediting. A  copyeditor looks at grammar, spelling, tone, continuity, word choice, and consistency.

Cost depends on the size of the book and the level of work required. If the editor can breeze through because you’re writing is superb, the cost would start around $0.02 per word. For newer writers, the editing may be more intense and require more time. Our staff will let you know after we take a look at the manuscript. Once again, you should budget around $800 to $1,200. 

You’re almost there. The last level of editing is proofreading. If you’re concerned with budgets and simply want someone to do a read-through, our staff charges $0.01 per word. If you’ve had the previous editing done somewhere else, our copyeditor will review your book first. If it isn’t ready for the proofread  stage, we’ll let you know. You may also seek out friends and family to preview your book before its publication.

In the final analysis, it’s your book, with your name on it. The great thing about self-publishing, for better or worse, it’s all under your control. 

Book Covers

Now comes finalizing the cover design. You should have started the process at the time of the first draft. Covers can cost anywhere from $100 to $500 depending on the level of cover appeal you desire. I would strongly recommend NOT going cheap here. People do judge a book by its cover. A professional cover says a professionally written book. 

Now You Are Ready to Format and Publish

With your edited manuscript and cover ready to go, the next step is formatting for the various e-book resellers. We charge a $100 per format and will place your e-book on the top five prominent sites: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google, Apple, and Payhip. For an additional fee we’ll walk you through the process of setting up your accounts and how to promote your book on each site including advertising campaigns.